Home/Mortgage Loans

Low Fico Score Home/mortgage Loans

Don’t Worry About Bad Credit Scores And Qualify For Our Low Fico Score Home Loans

Have you been searching for low FICO score home/mortgage loans in California? PB Financial Group has all the information you need to qualify for a home loan with bad credit. We are known for providing favorable loan terms to people with low FICO scores so that it doesn’t seem like the whole world is working against them due to their bad credit score. We are here to tell you that you have options, and there are several ways you can borrow money even if you have had a low FICO score.

We treat low FICO score home/mortgage loans in the same manner as high FICO score loans since it’s money that you borrow and pay back in monthly installments. If you’re interested in securing flexible qualifying requirements and an affordable interest rate, the best choice would be to get a loan from a private lending company, like PB Financial Group.

Get Your Dream Home Even with a Low FICO Score

Here at PB Financial Group, we believe in providing equal opportunity to people irrespective of their financial status. We don’t discriminate if you have a low FICO score, because we know that life’s hard and sometimes circumstances don’t favor you. That doesn’t mean you should be punished for your entire life because every person has the right to want to improve their living standards and buy their dream home. That’s exactly what we’re doing with our low FICO score home/mortgage loans.

Most banks would reject your mortgage loan if you have a FICO score lower than 650. However, at a private lending company, you get more flexibility in terms of loan qualifying requirements.</>

Get Help from the Experts Dealing with Bad Credit Loans

Shopping for low FICO score home/mortgage loans isn’t as simple as it would appear on paper because there’s not an extensive range of options available to you. That ends up confusing someone not familiar with the legal terminology and the complicated qualifying requirements. Rather than feeling trapped and being forced into offering up collateral or paying high interest rates to secure the loan, PB Financial Group works to help you out.

It doesn’t matter what your FICO score is or how much you need, you can always count on us to provide you with transparent financial solutions. Our hassle-free mortgage loan process is processed quickly allowing you access to funds when you really need it.

What’s a Low FICO Score in California?

Individuals who have a credit score of under 650 are a few points of the ‘fair’ credit score, which is why it makes sense that you would try to improve it. However, it will still be below average, meaning that you’ll end up paying exorbitant interest rates for any loans that you secure. However, it will increase your chances of getting approved and you’ll also have more options open to you.

If improving your FICO score quickly isn’t an option and you need the funds to purchase a new home or refinance cash out, the best option is to secure funding from a private lending company. At PB Financial Group, we don’t set any benchmarks and a credit score under 650 won’t be an obstacle to qualifying for a mortgage loan.

To learn more about our low FICO score home/mortgage loans, get in touch with PB Financial Group today!